About Murcia

Region of Murcia is located in the southeastern of Spain, between Andalusia (west), Castilia-La Mancha (North), Valencia (East) and Mediterranean Sea (South).
The city of Murcia is the capital of the Region. Other major cities are: Cartagena, Lorca, Caravaca de la Cruz, Jumilla, Yecla, Bullas, Mazarrón, Aguilas ...


Conde de Floridablanca

Key man in the history of Spain, Jose Moñino and Redondo, Count of Floridablanca, was born in Murcia in 1728. This year marks the bicentenary of the death of this illustrious Murcian who died in Sevilla, who became first secretary of state for sixteen years in the reigns of Carlos III and Carlos IV. To remember the Autonomous Community of Murcia, the City Hall, the Ministry of Culture, the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando and Cajamurcia Foundation organized the exhibition "Floridablanca (1728 - 1808), the utopian reformist". (Source)
He has this statue in the garden that bears his name: Jardin de Floridablanca (Garden of Floridablanca), in the Barrio del Carmen. For more information about this character and the exposure (exposure of Sept. 22 until Dec. 8, 2008) Click (information on the web is in Spanish only)


Hilda ha dicho que…
Gosh, I wonder if he had anything to do with the Philippines (we were a Spanish colony for 300 years, until 1898). We have a town in the province of Pampanga that's named Floridablanca.
Anónimo ha dicho que…
It is possible, in fact the Philipines' name was in honor of the Spanish king Philip II
Betty F ha dicho que…
You live in a beautiful place!

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