Priscas novissima exsaltat et amor. Murcia 1200.
As commented on different posts (visit label "Murcia 1200"), the city of Murcia is commemorating the 1200 anniversary of its founding (825 BC).
A little bit of history on cyty's coat of arms. The coat of arms of the city of Murcia was granted by King Alfonso X on May 14, 1266, three months after the conquest of the city. The central element of the coat of arms of the city of Murcia is a red heart, adorned with a narrow yellow or golden border. On the edge you can read the motto: “Priscas Novissima Exaltat et Amor” (which in Latin means "The newest crown, and its corresponding love, exalts the previous ones", interpreting love as loyalty). (Source: Wikipedia and
Each crown was awarded by different kings, due to the city's support/loyalty for those kings. The motto "Priscas,...", along with the central crown, was granted by King Philip V in 1707 (Felipe V). Therefore, it is a shield that has been evolving during those 440 years.
The motto is surrounded by the shape of a heart. I would like to add that King Alfonso X, 'The Wise', requested that, upon his death, his heart be deposited in the cathedral of Murcia.