sábado, 29 de abril de 2017

Taiwan at Burial of the Sardine

One week ago, this parade was held: Burial of the Sardine (Entierro de la Sardina). A fiesta of Internatiomal Touristic Interest.
As I commented on a previous post, this year had been invited to this fiesta seven groups from seven foreign countries. Each year, the organization of this event by the "Sardineros" is increasing the popularity, the number of foreign groups, the number of toys that are given away (or throwing to people), ... and those increase the number of visitors who come to the city to see and to enjoy this festival and the entire Spring Festival Week.
Image: marching band from Taiwan.

viernes, 28 de abril de 2017

Poopó Intercontinental Band

This marching band from Oruro, Bolivia, was invited to Burial of the Sardine accompanying Diablada Ferroviaria (the oldest carnival group in America), also from Oruro, Bolivia.
Very funny.
At the background, a poster that reads: "La primavera empieza en Murcia" that means: Spring starts in Murcia, at Belluga square.

jueves, 27 de abril de 2017

All in One

Here, all "art in eggs" in one picture. Hope you enjoy them.
This picture is in high resolution so I invited you to click on it and enlarge it to see more details.
Here a picture for the golden egg (background bottom right picture) and about this exposition.
Here, a previous picture.

Which is your favourite egg? 1 to 9 (9 & 10), left to right and up to down.

miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017

Eggs at Town Hall

On February I commented about those eggs (ten eggs) which were located on many places at the city of Murcia. During last Spring Festival Week, they were situated at Glorieta square (in front of Town Hall).

martes, 25 de abril de 2017

A Piece of Italy at Burial of Sardine

This year "Entierro de la Sardina" organization had invited groups from Taiwan, Bolivia, Colombia, Lithuania, Holland, Germany and Italy.
Image: group from Italy dressed in Medieval clothes. Awesome spectacle throwing their flags to the air.

lunes, 24 de abril de 2017

By Chance

The capture speed of the camera helped me in this photo. When I pressed the shutter button, the girl in the image waved her flag, and I got the picture you can see. And all because the camera took many time to capture the image.
About image: at a parade in the morning of the Burial of the Sardine last Saturday. A group from Medellin (Colombia).

domingo, 23 de abril de 2017


Today, Sunday, it going to finished Spring Festival Week. A week with lots of parades, colours, foods, music, ...

sábado, 22 de abril de 2017

Burial of the Sardine Day 2017

This is the Sardine that is going to be burned tonight.
Here some photos from previous years: 2011 and 2014.
If you want to know more about "Entierro de la Sardina" (Burial of the Sardine), please, visit labels.

viernes, 21 de abril de 2017

Burial of the Sardine is Coming

Many activities for the end of the Spring Festival Week. Tomorrow the great Burial of the Sardine (Entierro de la Sardina 2017) parade. Yesterday and today, the preambles of the great fiesta, with lost of parades of music and colours around the city.
An International Touristic Fiesta since 2006.
Image: "Diablada Ferroviaria", the oldest carnival group in America from Oruro, Bolivia.

jueves, 20 de abril de 2017

Spring Facade

This is how the facade of Episcopal Palace has been decorated for Spring Festival Week.
Here a photo at the same place some weeks ago.

miércoles, 19 de abril de 2017

Spring is Murcia

The city of Murcia has been decorated as it deserves for Spring Festival Week.
Image: Plaza Circular. Here, how it was decorated at Xmas time.

martes, 18 de abril de 2017

Bando de la Huerta 2017

Each Tuesday after Easter Week is held the Bando de la Huerta parade. It is a parade where it is showing former traditions, clothes, crafts. In addition, garden products are distributed to the public.
It is also a day to enjoy the streets. Thousands of people flood the streets.

lunes, 17 de abril de 2017

Spring Festivities. Fiestas de Primavera Murcia 2017.

Yesterday, (Risen One Day) it started the Spring Festivities of Murcia. A whole week to enjoy the city ofo Murcia to be on the streets, to eat typical murcian food, ...
Image: women dressed and combed with traditional hairstyles. During the floral offering to the patroness of Murcia.

domingo, 16 de abril de 2017

Easter Sunday 2017

The end of Easter Week has arrived with "Procession of the Risen One". A colourful procession.
Ending this procession starts the Spring Festivities Week. You are invited to follow them.

viernes, 14 de abril de 2017

Good Friday 2017

Maybe this is the most knowing procession of Murcia due to the artist who made its sculptures: Francisco Salzillo. Indeed, this morning procession is knowed as "procession of  Salzillos". From XVIII century.
Image: The Capture. Carrying by Murcian nazarenes.

miércoles, 12 de abril de 2017

Easter Week 2017 (2)

Sculptures from the fifteenth to the twentieth centuries that show stories of the Bible, the Passion of Christ.

lunes, 10 de abril de 2017

Easter Week 2017

Traditions come out this week.
There are long processions through the streets with pasos - religious floats and sculptures. Religious statues are carried along on the shoulders of the cofrades, members of the cofradías or lay brotherhoods that organize the processions. These are accompanied by penitentes and nazarenos generally wearing long hooded robes. (From Collins definitions)

sábado, 8 de abril de 2017

Relative of ...

This could be SpongeBob Squarepants' cousin, on the beach.
At La Farola or Lastre beach at Portman Bay (La Unión).

viernes, 7 de abril de 2017

Fish Farm

One of the fishing businesses of the Region of Murcia is the fish farms.
Region of Murcia is a pioneer in the breeding of bluefin tuna.
Image: fish farm of seabass. Cartagena coast. Mediterranean sea.

jueves, 6 de abril de 2017

Modernism Style

Detail on a facade with modernism architecture style, at Cartagena.
I like to walk through streets of Cartagena to find this beauty.

miércoles, 5 de abril de 2017

Mare Nostrum

Mare Nostrum was the name given by Romans to Mediterranean sea.
This is a beautiful restaurant located at port of Cartagena. A good place to eat with beautiful views. Very recommend (but not very economic).

martes, 4 de abril de 2017

Big Wood Door

Explicit title for this picture, I think.
At Convent-Monastery of Las Claras museum.

lunes, 3 de abril de 2017

Courtyard Main Entrance

After passing the entrance to go to Monastery of Las Claras museum, you have to pass through this courtyard before entering to the building (here a photo inside). A place that invite to calm.
Located at Alfonso X "El sabio" avenue.

domingo, 2 de abril de 2017

Romea Perspective

Inside Romea theatre after a theatrical perfomance (click on image to see more details).
This theatre is more than 150 years old. and has been refurbished many times due to damages caused by fire on XIX century (two fires).
It is located in downtown of city of Murcia.

sábado, 1 de abril de 2017

April'17 Theme Day. Wet.

This time, the Theme Day proposed by citydailyphoto community is: Wet.
It is difficult to find a rainy day these days. Sunny days, temperatures up to 25ºC. So, I can show this wet tiny-lake at murcia city. It is located at Fofó park.
Click here to view thumbnails of all participants.