About Murcia

Region of Murcia is located in the southeastern of Spain, between Andalusia (west), Castilia-La Mancha (North), Valencia (East) and Mediterranean Sea (South).
The city of Murcia is the capital of the Region. Other major cities are: Cartagena, Lorca, Caravaca de la Cruz, Jumilla, Yecla, Bullas, Mazarrón, Aguilas ...



C.D. La Flota

The image you see is the sports center La Flota. It's in the neighborhood of the same name.
I like the facade of this sports complex. Here there is a heated pool, paddle tracks, fitness rooms.
On another occasion, I'll tell more obout this center.


Hilda ha dicho que…
I like the facade too — fun! Multi-colored windows and tilted ones!

If you haven't voted for the January theme yet, please do so! The poll is in the January Theme Day Poll forum topic.
Kris McCracken ha dicho que…
Very nice composition here.

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