About Murcia

Region of Murcia is located in the southeastern of Spain, between Andalusia (west), Castilia-La Mancha (North), Valencia (East) and Mediterranean Sea (South).
The city of Murcia is the capital of the Region. Other major cities are: Cartagena, Lorca, Caravaca de la Cruz, Jumilla, Yecla, Bullas, Mazarrón, Aguilas ...


Easter Week In Murcia: More Procesions

Today is, according to Christian tradition, holy Wednesday.
In Murcia, the procession is very popular today. This will leave the night of the Royal Procession, very enlightening, and Venerable old Arch of Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, best known for the Murcia as the "Coloraos," the red dress that distinguishes these Nazarenes.
This procession is over 5 centuries and more than 3,000 parades Nazarenes.
In the photo, details of scepters Nazarene prepared for a procession.


Unknown ha dicho que…
The procession looks like something that been practiced for a long time and that image of the scepters is a lesson in DOF. well shot
Hilda ha dicho que…
Based on these scepters, it looks like it's a very long procession! Fascinating information and history.
crocrodyl ha dicho que…
Beautiful and interesting photo. I haven't known about tradition of procession on the Holy Wednesday - thanks for sharing.

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