martes, 1 de septiembre de 2009

Theme Day: Big.

Theme Day for today I will show this big tree is in the orchard that my father in law owns.
After searching and searching for the subject today, I just happened to shoot this photo.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

5 comentarios:

Jane Hards Photography dijo...

That really fits the bill for big and beautiful.

Nathalie H.D. dijo...

Is that an eucalyptus tree?
I remember taking a very similar photo in Australia with one very big eucalyptus in an orchard of orange trees. It really stood out !

Great photo for today's theme!

MurciaDailyPhoto dijo...

Yes, it's an eucalyptus tree.

Hilda dijo...

Wow. That really is a big tree! And beautiful!

VP dijo...

Big enough, and probably still growing a bit...