About Murcia

Region of Murcia is located in the southeastern of Spain, between Andalusia (west), Castilia-La Mancha (North), Valencia (East) and Mediterranean Sea (South).
The city of Murcia is the capital of the Region. Other major cities are: Cartagena, Lorca, Caravaca de la Cruz, Jumilla, Yecla, Bullas, Mazarrón, Aguilas ...


Peral Submarine

In the port of Cartagena, you can see the first submarine built in history. It was designed and built by Lieutenant Isaac Peral. The Peral submarine was the first that: included a torpedo, was propelled by electric motors, had periscope, and solved the problem of oxygen inside. It had capacity for 12 crew. This submarine that could dive to 30 meters, was built in September 1888 (although it was in 1885 when he had the idea).
This invention warlike was intended to serve to defend the territories began to haunt the U.S.A. emerging superpower.
Despite all the innovations that warlike posed this invention for the Spanish Navy but was not supported by the ministry of defense, because the then Minister saw Isaac Peral as an opponent to head the ministry. Finally, in 1890, decided to dismantle it. But they did'nt scrapped, and so, fortunately, we still here so you can be visited the first submarine, which was also invented by a Murcian (from Cartagena).

Much more information about Isaac Peral and his submarine, here (in Spanish)
Also in Spanish:
- How does the Peral Submarine.
- A comparison of submarines
- How they built the submarine


Hilda ha dicho que…
That is so fascinating!
Valladolid Daily Photo ha dicho que…
¿Es una maqueta o el original?
MurciaDailyPhoto ha dicho que…
VallDP, es el original (cuando dieron la orden de desmantelarlo en 1980, dejaron solo la carcasa, todo el sistema de motores, el sistema de circulación de oxígeno y el lanzatorpedos lo quitaron). Yo tuve la oportunidad de subir en él cuando era un niño (junto a toda la clase), sobre 1980.
Este submarino estuvo en el pabellón de la Región de Murcia en la expo del 92.

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