5th Anniversary Of MurciaDailyPhoto
It's been a rocky road. Worst: I could not post every day. The best: having known (though not in person) to a lot of new friends in and out of Spain.
A huge community, but also very close.
The picture, a summary of five years of photos (over 1343 images). These are those that were presented to the Second Festival of Photography.
Many thanks to all who have visited this blog (please do not fail to visit again), and all those brave men/women who have left a comment (somebody said that a blog is fed by comments).
About the photo montage: from top to bottom, and from left to right:
- Former artillery barracks
- Auditorium Parque Torres
- Bird in protest
- Good Friday 2013
- Cafe Chairs. Romea Theater.
- Socaire sailing school
- Full Moon
-Twin Towers
- Main facade of Cathedral of Murcia
- Colossus
- Watchtower
- Red dragonfly
- No water, no sun
- Immaculate Conception
- Cerdá House
Of all these pictures, I would like to highlight one of the photos that I didn´t show at the exhibition but it is one of the ones that I like. It is also the most visited at MurciaDailyPhoto photo: Mother's Day 2012 (also 2013)
Here, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th anniversary.
Figures of last year: 260 posts
Well done!!
And of course I hope and wish that you will continue!
Celebrate and have fun!
Greetings from Gunn in Stavanger.
Well done!
Felicidades MDPh
Enjoy your day.
Irish Molly