Paris 100 Years Ago.
The cultural center of Las Claras CajaMurcia home until next May 24 shows the 'Paris 100 years ago', an exhibition of the prestigious Oscar Ghez tour that allows the complex artistic revolution that takes place in Paris between the late nineteenth century and the period interwar, with more than 70 works by artists such as Degas, Renoir, Caillebotte, Steinlen, Utrillo, Valadon, Van Dongen, Foujita, Kislinger, Chagall, Picabia, Picasso, Sunyer and Mary Blanchard.
The works come from the Petit Palais in Geneva, an old mansion that the entrepreneur Oscar Ghez purchased and rehabilitated in 1965 to house, preserve and disseminate his own collection.
Oscar Ghez collection was born from the idea of bringing together works created in the strip of time between 1880 and 1930, beginning with the painters of the 'Belle Époque', especially with the work of those who moved to Montmartre and the continued the acquisition of neo-Impressionist and post-neo, fauvistas and artists of Montparnasse. (Source: and