About Murcia

Region of Murcia is located in the southeastern of Spain, between Andalusia (west), Castilia-La Mancha (North), Valencia (East) and Mediterranean Sea (South).
The city of Murcia is the capital of the Region. Other major cities are: Cartagena, Lorca, Caravaca de la Cruz, Jumilla, Yecla, Bullas, Mazarrón, Aguilas ...


The Garden Of King Don Pedro

A trip to Jumilla. Located in the north-east of Region of Murcia. It is well known for its wines.

The garden of King Don Pedro was designed in the late nineteenth century as an esplanade to host the fair. It is decorated since late 1940 with Seville tiles by Ramos Rejano, with motifs of Don Quixote and Disney characters.

In addition, this space houses a bronze statue of Don Roque Martinez, a native of Jumilla. It is the oldest garden in the city and among its vegetation can find lilac, cedar, fir and celindros.


William Kendall ha dicho que…
It looks like a pleasant spot.

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