Feb'16 Theme Day. Scene From A Coffe House.
This Theme Day was selected by Merisi. She is at Viena.
This cafe is located between Romea Theater square, and Santo Domingo square, near the Arc of Santo Domingo, is there since the 80s. In 2011, it was an impressive reform.
It's a good place for coffee, tapas. I recommend visiting it, at least for its architecture (designed by an acquaintance of mine). Here you can see photos inside.
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This cafe is located between Romea Theater square, and Santo Domingo square, near the Arc of Santo Domingo, is there since the 80s. In 2011, it was an impressive reform.
It's a good place for coffee, tapas. I recommend visiting it, at least for its architecture (designed by an acquaintance of mine). Here you can see photos inside.
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