Chapel Of Vélez. Capilla De Los Vélez.
The truth is that I could make a dailyphoto of the Cathedral of Murcia. This could be called Cathedralofmurciadailyphoto.
Today I show you the exterior of the chapel of the Vélez. This flamboyant-Gothic style.
It was built (XIV c.) as a family vault by the Adelantado Mayor of the Kingdom, Juan Chacón, Marquis de los Vélez, a prominent participant in the war of Granada (reconquest of Spain).
The chapel of the Vélez polygon is divided into several bodies decorated with coats of Chacon and Fajardo. Other elements are visually expressive wild Tenente stone and chain that runs the top. It is generally appreciated, unlike the interior, a Renaissance style.
There is a legend that the artist who created the strings of stone, they cut off their hands so that he could not make another the same. I recommend especially the interior of this chapel is inside the cathedral.
You can not take pictures on the inside, but I try to take a picture of this jewel of a chapel.
A bear hug.
I see that it is undergoing some maintenance too — that's nice.