Junterones Chapel. Cathedral Of Murcia.
This photo is from the outside of the Junterones Chapel in the Cathedral of Murcia.
"The best Renaissance chapel burial of Murcia. It was promoted by Don Gil Rodriguez de Junterón, a leading figure in the court of Julius II. Plant is oblong and is a unique set of novelty and of exceptional quality, which merges architecture and sculpture. It should be noted that the magnificent high relief, representing the glory, rises above the altarpiece of the Adoration of the Magi, and the figures of Isaiah, John the Baptist and the twelve Sibyls in a mixture of religious and pagan, so characteristic of the Renaissance". (Source: Francisco Javier Valera Bernal Professor of Geography and History).
In next links you can see inside the chapel:
(I think the link number 5 will impress you.)
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