2nd Anniversary Of MurciaDailyPhoto

Although I made several attempts months earlier, the first photo that I published was the June 4, 2008.
As the figures in the last year: 297 photos, over 7500 visits (the figures of the previous anniversary, here.) Perhaps, for most blogs, not many visitors, but for me it's an honor to be visited by people around the world.
I am very grateful to all who visit this humble blog, but especially to those who leave comments, stressing on my appreciation to Hilda, Irish Molly, Abe Lincoln, JM, Nobu, Leif Hagen...
(I apologize for the names that I have not, but I am very grateful for every comment left)
About the photo of today: this is a photo montage with old artillery barracks in the background. At the foot of the photo, the Cathedral (my first photo published), the Christ of Monteagudo (the picture I used for the first anniversary).
And even if I do not comment all your photos, I always enjoy watching them and reading your blog. It makes us discover a somehow less known Spanish city. And God knows Spain is not only Madrid… Each city has its own treasures and beauties.
First of all ... Happy birthday ! ;-)
I am the Content and Community Manager of Travelavenue.com, the new community travel guide.
Our editorial team has selected your blog for our program "Travelavenue favorite blog 2010"
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Irish Molly
I hope you have a nice weekend.
I spent the day with the doctors. Looks like I can expect another episode like the last one for sure, but the doc wouldn't say more than that. LOL
Have a good weekend.
Thank you.